
EY-PO? LY-PO? is the password question that Melia and Myrto exchange between each other just before falling asleep.

Two little sisters who live on an island in the Aegean in 1936 listen to their grandfather talk to them for endless hours about his "ancients", they can't wait to retaliate with their friends from the tsardakias as summer comes, but above all they go crazy with the magical stories of the goatherd told to them by their cousin Nikos, a student from Athens.
The kaplani -as they call it on the island-, an embalmed tiger, which is locked in the window of the great hall of the house, sometimes looks with its blue and sometimes with its black eye, depending on its mood.
What happens on a hot August day that upsets the lives of the girls and theirs? Who wants to hurt the goat?

The kaplani -as they call it on the island-, an embalmed tiger, which is locked in the window of the great hall of the house, sometimes looks with its blue and sometimes with its black eye, depending on its mood.
What happens on a hot August day that upsets the lives of the girls and theirs? Who wants to hurt the goat?

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